Local Dentist Explains Why Vaping Is Dangerous for Teeth

Some experts say that vaping can cause younger patients to lose their teeth. At the Cambridge Health Alliance, local dentist Dr. Alec Eidelman has seen dental issues among smokers before, but these patients are typically older and have smoked for years.

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However, younger patients are now showing dental damage from vaping. A lot of patients are from a vulnerable population in their teens and adolescence.

When teens are vaping throughout the day and they can refill the cartridge easily, they put themselves at risk of periodontal issues. One of the most common issues that teens are seeing with their dental care is dry mouth because the vape can slow down saliva development. This puts the teeth at risk of decay and tooth loss. Missing teeth can lead to bone loss later on as well. Some flavored vapes are also just as damaging to teeth as certain candies and acidic beverages. While a local dentist may know that vaping can cause dental issues, many doctors and medical professionals are unaware of the actual extent of the types of damage that vaping can cause. If you’re experiencing dry mouth due to vaping, your local dentist may be able to provide you with a saliva substitute such as a type of mouthwash.


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